Reconnect with your life
Support you through your losses, your grief and your relational conflicts
Listen to you in one-on-one sessions, workshops and conferences
Help you discover your own tools
Support you in your transformation process

From self-confidence
From hope
From love
Integrating body, soul and mind to align senses, emotions and thoughts
When loss wrecks your joy for life…
The feeling of loss can stem from multiple experiences in life and leave us trapped in discomfort, anxiety and anguish.

After a separation or a divorce we experience a loss, which can also happen when a friendship ends, when we have an empty nest, when we lose our job, when we have an accident or a disease takes away a part of our body, when our loyal pet passes on.
Even as time goes by we can feel that the young person we once were and the dreams we had, have vanished.
When grief hurts…
Loss, absence and abandonment draw a new reality, and accepting it and adapting to it takes time that can be very stressful emotionally: the process of grief.

In this society motivated by the “having” and distanced from the “being”, it is not easy to talk about it or about what makes us suffer. Because grieving hurts. And sometimes, instead of feeling heard and understood, many people go though it feeling guilty, in distress and lost.
It IS possible to live your losses with inner peace…
I am Neus Valencia, Integrative Relational Therapist
I will help you understand the whys of your pain, integrate it, normalize it and transform it to suffer less, and to integrate your loss with peace.
Next to you. With you. Respecting your words, your mourning and your silence. Perceiving your sensations. Searching for new resources and regaining the forgotten ones. Projecting little light beams. Helping you accept what we cannot change and changing that which can be improved.

I counsel you because you deserve to restore your self-confidence and reconnect with your life.
My methodology
I understand the whole human experience as an integration of by the mental, emotional and somatic structures.
I believe in the need of a good evaluation to approach diagnosis and to achieve the goal.
I use techniques from my different training models and useful resources from my own personal learnings.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye”
Antoine Saint-Exupéry
"For a long time, I was feeling lost in my relationship and I decided to do something about it in order to improve it. A friend told me about Neus and when I sent her a WhatsApp to book an appointment I realized we could be a good match. And so it was. At the office I felt her closeness and although I thought that I would need several sessions to express how I felt and what was hurting me, within the first session she identified the problem and by the second one she gave me ideas and tips to cope with possible arguments at home. I have tried other psychologists and I confess that Neus is the one the has captured best what was happening to me and she was the most practical when it came to resolving my problem."
"My personal experience with Neus responded to the need of a concrete moment and her therapeutic focus turned out to be stimulating and effective. I was able to feel accompanied from a place of respect, the listening was active and non-judgemental. She was able to understand the motive behind my consultation and help me. She met my expectations and that’s why I keep in touch with her: to feel embraced and nourished whenever I might need it. Thanks, Neus!"
"I was quite unsettled as a result of negative experiences, changes in my life, the tragic death of my grandfather, the pandemic and the family consequences. I needed a grief expert that I could speak to in order to manage it emotionally and not to let it overwhelm me in my day to day, because that’s how it was, it overwhelmed me. In fact, I asked for help when I realized that I would cry in the street when I would see people that reminded me of my grandfather. I needed to be listened to, and that it would be without judgement, from empathy, and to be able to vent my experiences and emotions. I found all of that in Neus: understanding and help to focus on my current life. Now I feel lighter, but I am aware that I need to keep doing the work not to eliminate the past but to move forward and cope with it better. Thanks, Neus!"
"Very much lost and misunderstood, very sad, lonely, furious… These are some of the feelings that I have felt since I lost my father. And if I can identify them, manage them and talk about them it is thanks to Neus’ guidance. It has not been and it’s not easy or comfortable to do therapy because it requires a lot of effort, but when you are supported by a person that validates your feelings and thoughts, that does not judge, helps you understand that it’s ok not to be ok and, especially, helps you respect yourself and your process, little by little you can move forward. That person is Neus."