Who am I

I am Neus Valencia, Integrative Relational Therapist

I have suffered several losses, throughout my life
Some I didn’t know they were such until I started training in grief and loss. It was then, with information and techniques, that I was able to heal old wounds and set myself free from the emotional burden. Also, I felt I could and should help other people trapped in the same labyrinth.
Soy Neus Valencia y a lo largo de mi vida he sufrido muchas pérdidas

My passion are people and their processes of life

I create a bond with my patients that helps me to understand them, and support them in their most uncomfortable life experiences. By being non-judgemental and applying a compassionate way of looking, helps us look together at what is happening and do it differently and be able to access the life we want to live.

We form a team: small in the one-on-one sessions, and a bigger one in the group ones

My accumulated experience facilitates collaboration with other therapists, in learning more knowledge, to spread emotional wellbeing in order to make it available and at the service of people in their most vulnerable moments.

Who I was

I worked on Wall Street as a Financial Analyst

I graduated with a BS in Business Administration and Economics at the Universitat de Barcelona and at Juniata College (PA - USA) thanks to a scholarship program. After an intense professional experience in the heart of NY financial district I returned to my home town, Barcelona, and “devoted” myself to the business and management systems consulting sector. For 20 years I worked and travelled with Spanish, American and European multinational companies. Always learning, always adapting to new points of view, new cultures. I had it all.
Neus Valencia - Terapeuta - Mi historia
Máster de Crecimiento Personal y Liderazgo

Having it all was one day no longer enough

My inner emptiness was very present. I was wondering what was the purpose of everything that I was doing. So, I decided to go search for the answer. I parked my job and I placed a bet on my life. In the path towards introspection, appeared the Masters for Personal Development and Leadership. It was a treat because, from then on, I trained in various disciplines that have helped me to understand myself, love myself, let myself be and simply trust. I began to lead my life.

My Education up to now

  • Masters in Personal Development and Leadership at UB
  • Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (AEPNL)
  • Training in Counseling Loss and End of Life Processes at Fundació Ambit
  • Postgraduate and Master’s Degree in Integrative Relational Psychotherapy applied to Counseling and Grief, Loss and Trauma Intervention at UB with Alba Payàs
  • Training in Eriksonian Hypnosis with Anna Flores
  • Program in Relational, Biological and Transgenerational Bases for the Psychopathology and Psychotherapy.
  • Level 1 – Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Trauma – Affective Dysregulation, Survival Responses and Trauma Memory. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute
  • Training in Family Constellations with Cristina Lozano